

How long can a Red Belly Pacu live?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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13y ago

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5-15 years generally

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Q: How long can a Red Belly Pacu live?
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Is a black pacu more aggressive than a red-bellied pacu?

Red belly pacus are the same thing as a black pacu and it all depends on how your pacus act.

Average size of a red belly pacu?

24 inches bro

What is normal water temperature for red belly pacu fish?

Normal tropical fish tank temperature; 77F-82F

Redbelly paco fish?

There is a red belly piranha which eats meat and also a pacu which eat plant and veggie and which is a type of piranha

What does a red belly paco look like?

A red belly Pacu is a relative of a piranha and it looks like a piranha. It doesn't have sharp teeth and it isn't aggressive. It is an omnivore. It usually has orange on its underside or belly, and a gray-black color on the rest of its body.

What are the difference between pacu and piranha and why do pacu live alongside piranha?

both pacu and piranha eat live meat and they both can have red bellies too. the real difference is between their jaws, nose and teeth. piranha has a produting lower jaw while pacu has a round mouth. pacu's nose is button shaped but piranha's nose is unmistakable. and piranhas have much larger teeth than pacus.

Will adult red belly pacu fight adult Oscars?

Actually the Oscar won't fight. I had a red-belled pacu in a tank with an Oscar and I came home one day and the pacu had eaten the Oscar and a kissing fish and a parrot fish. They aren't suppose to eat fish their size but I think mine taps more into the nature of his piranha cousins than most. If you get both just be careful and make sure the Oscar is bigger and dominant. On the contrary every Oscar and every pacu has different personalities. Some will fight some will not. I have an Oscar in a 1500 gallon tank that hates pacu. And I've got a pacu that hates Oscars... So you never know...

Can pacus and piranha live together?

Yes, they are from the same family, but i dont know if Red Belly Pacus can be kept with Black Belly Piranhas. Red belly Pacus can be kept with Red belly piranhas.

Is it safe to eat red pacu?

They are eaten every day in South America. So the answer is yes.

How long should your belly be red after you have had it pierced?

Usually a week but it'll get red anytime you hit it or get it infected.

How long is a red belly black snake?

The red belly black snake can grow up to 3 metres.

What color is a pacu?

They can be black if you get a "Black Pacu."You can get Red Bellied Pacu too. They are silver with a red belly.They can get up to 24 inches long.They eat a ton so make sure if you get one that the other fish get food too.Petsmart says they need a 75+ Gallon tank, but I say at least 36+.I would say to get a big filter no matter what.Make sure you know you can handle one before you purchase.THANKS bye.