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Q: How long can you freeze unsalted flavored butter?
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Is unsalted butter healthy then normal butter?

Not really if you are not on a salt restricted diet: the amount of salt in butter isn't too high unless you are eating a lot of it. The reason for unsalted butter is that some recipes that use a lot of butter might taste a little too salty if you use the salted kind (shortbread, for example). Also, if the butter is not salted you can better control how much salt goes in the final recipe. HOwever, unsalted butter does not last nearly as long because salt is a preservative, so you should use it quickly and freeze it if you are keeping it more than a few days.

How long does it take flavored water to freeze?

one two threghgeee

How long does yogurt take to freeze?

Between 3-8 hours depending if it is flavored and if it has active cultures in it.

How long can you store butter frozen?

According to Butterball's website, an unopened turkey can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 years. Use a deep freeze freezer that is not frost-free. Frost-free freezers go through defrost cycles which have temperature fluctuations that could cause freezer burn.

Are unsalted crackers the same thing as saltines without salt?

They can be. They can also be crackers of any other type (such as wheat thins) as long as they are unsalted.

Can chickens eat almonds?

Yes, as long as they are unsalted nuts they will be fine for the birds.

What was a recipe for butter in colonial times?

Most likely in a dash churn, it has been around for centuries, it consist of a tall, narrow, nearly cylindrical stone or wood tub fitted with a wooden cover. The cream was agitated by a hand-operated vertical wooden plunger, stave, or dash.

How long does it take for wood to freeze?

wood doesnt freeze

Is there any substitiution for butter or vegetable oil in cookies?

Yes, you can substitute lard or shortening for butter or vegetable oil in cookies, as long as you realize the resulting cookies will not have a buttery taste. Crisco has a butter flavored shortening that works and tastes quite well, although you might consider the health risks of the partially hydrogenated oils in any shortening. Lard is a fine substitute, with good flavor results. You can also replace the butter flavor with additional vanilla or other flavor extracts.

What water is healthier Flavored or Non-Flavored?

So long as the flavoring doesn't have sugar in it, they'd be the same. If you're adding sugar, then plain water is healthier.

Why is salt free butter better for you than normal butter?

Actually, given that margarine contains no lactose and no cholesterol On the other hand it raises your chance cancer and is one atom away from plastic, butter has no preservatives it butter contains the good cholesterol also it was meant for turkeys but it killed the turkeys so they gave it to humans, so butter is better

How long does it take to freeze an insect?

If you dip them into liquid nitrogen (LIN) they will freeze instantly.