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Q: How long cats babies stay inside of them before giving birth?
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Why did your bunny have her babies and then made a nest?

Because rabbits usually don't make nests before giving birth, only after giving birth.

Do guinea pigs move all of their bedding before giving birth?

yes so the when she gives birth her babies will be warm

Can you observe a pet rabbit giving birth or will she eat her babies?

Well if you don't want her to eat the babies then yeah watch. I have watched a rat give birth before.

What are the percentages of giving birth to five live babies at once?

The percentages of giving birth to five babies (quintuplets) at once are very extreme and low, a study in 2010 in the US said that the chances of giving birth to quintuplets was 0.00092%.

Is there a history of giving gold coins to babies at birth?

only in Mexico

Do hippos give birth to live babies?

Yes, unless the babies die before birth.

Do you need to be there when a guinea pig is giving birth?

Well, If you want you can be there to watch but the guinea pig does not need you and in fact DO NOT touch her or the babies, and try not to touch her when she is giving birth nor the babies until the next week.

How does the dog raise its babies?

By feeding it, nurturing it, giving it love and protection. Also, mother dogs tend to be more fierce before and after giving birth. So be careful of not getting hurt by your female dog.

How can you see if your guinea pig is pregnant?

3-4 weeks before giving birth your guinea pig will put on a lot of wieght.She wil start to form a shape like a pear/bell.If your guinea pig is pregnant 2 weeks before giving birth you be able to feel the babies move.

Do rabbits bleed before they give birth?

Not always but quite often. Like most mammals bearing live young, giving birth is a painful process for the mother and often is accompanied by at least some bleeding. Often long before the babies are actually born, contractions and the movement of the babies along the birth canal can push out blood and mucus first.

How do lynxes have babies?

Lynxes are placental mammals and reproduce sexually, giving live birth.

Do guppies lose their gravid black spot before giving birth?

No, what you are actually seeing when looking at the gravid spot is the eggs inside the mother fish. The gravid spot does not go away until the mother has given birth to her young. The spot will get very dark before the fry are born, because they will begin to hatch out of their eggs before the birth.