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Q: How long did it take to kill 25 million people in the Black Death?
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How many years did the Black Death take to kill 25 million people?

It took five years for the black death to kill 25 million people.

How many years did it take to kill 25 million people in the black death?

Black Death killed 75 to 200 million people. It took 1346 to 1353.

How many people did the black pandemic kill?

According to most scholars, the Black Death killed anywhere between 25 and 75 million Europeans.

How many people did the Black Death pandemic kill?

About 75 million people died in the epidemic, approximately three-fourths of Europe's population at the time.

When did the black death kill a lot of people?


When did the black death kill half the people in Europe?

The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30-60 percent of Europe's population and reduced the world population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in the 14th century.

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about 7.8 million people a year in Africa casue there black it is 4 million there

Where did the black death kill everyone?

The black plague killed many people in Europe, but also all over the world. It killed mostly in central Europe, and killed over 20 million people in a very small time of five years.

Did the black death kill any important people?

Yes it did, such as multiple popes and kings

Why did black death not kill some people?

Because they were lucky enough to survive and they kept away from the people who had the infection.

Did the black death kill only blacks?

No..Most of the people killed were Europeans, Caucasians, in fact.

What do black death and Swine Flu have in common?

Not very much. The Black death is caused by a bacteria and the swine flu by a virus. The Black death caused 15 million deaths world wide but people never heard about bacteria before and had no means to stop it (an antibiotic). The flu also causes deaths today but we do have a vaccine and it can be prevented. The Black Death infected the lymph system. The flu causes a severe upper respiratory infection.