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I am not an expert, but have been learning much about Swans. We rescued an injured Mute Swan from a local River and have been caring for him at a Swan Farm in Pennsylvania.

It take approximately 35-40 days from the time the last egg in a clutch is laid. In cooler weather it may take the longer time. In the U.S. Black Swans may nest twice a year once in September and again in late February early March. In cold weather the tiny cygnets will need shelter and supplemental food. The tiny hatchlings will enjoy shredded dark green leaf lettuce and spinach. There are recommended poultry feeds for the little ones, some need to be ground finer... Sunny afternoons in pond or pool water helps strength their little legs and provides Vitamin D. Any tiny cygnets placed in a kiddy pool MUST have a way to get out safely. Keep the water very shallow for several weeks. It is fun to see the changes as they develop into adults. I enjoy the "chirpy" sounds they make.

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Q: How long do black swan eggs take to hatch?
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Whats a baby swan?

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What is the gestation time for swan?

Swans are not mammals, therefore, they lay eggs and sit on them until they hatch.

How long to hatch a mute swan egg?

Put them in an incubater!

Does the male or female swan hatch the eggs?

We have swans in the lake by my house. We have been here for three years and each year, its been the female that incubates the eggs exclusively.

How long does a lady swan lay on its eggs?

for 4 moths the she leaves

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How long do Black Swan live?

A Black swan, which is native to Australia, has a life span of 30 to 40 years.

What company has a black swan logo?

The Black Swan is a very popular logo. Quite a number of companies around the world, use it. Among the better known ones are: Black Swan Records Black Swan State Theatre Company Black Swan Solar Black Swan Brand Cheasapeak Bay Oyster Black Swan Cooperage Black Swan Real Estate Black Swan Press Black Swan Dynamics Black Swan Development Black Swan Anatomy Black Swan Winery Black Swan Financial Black Swan Inn

What color are Black Swan?

A typical clutch contains 4 to 7 greenish-white eggs.

Is a swan born alive or hatch from a egg?

Lay eggs, (of course! they're birds) Swans have their babies by laying eggs. Birds do not give live birth like mammals do.

How many eggs can a female swan lay?

swan can lay about 5 to 7 eggs

Do all swan eggs hatch together?

Sometimes they lay their eggs one after another. example: If a swan was going to lay 3 eggs, here are the times: 10:30am: one egg 10:35: 2nd egg 10:43: 3rd egg. Sometimes there could be a difference in hours, and sometimes day. It depends, you can't exactly choose a specific answer, it's different for every swan. Hope that helped!