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That really depends on which drug, how often it's been used and how long it's been since you've last used it. For instance if you smoke pot every day for a month (or more) you've got to go cold turkey for about two weeks before you can pass a blood test. It will still show evidence of the pot in your blood but not enough to mean you've ever used any.

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Q: How long do drugs show up in blood tests generally?
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How long do pregnancy tests take?

Depends on what kind you take. If you take a HTP (Home Pregnancy Test) it would take 2-3 minutes just to find out. If your taking a blood test, it takes from 1-3 days to get the results in depending on if your health provider sends off the blood tests or can do blood tests in their own office.

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Around 2 weeks but it is faint. A month will show for sure!