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When I'm cooking parsnips i always par-boil them befor roasting,15 minutes on the boil and then into the oven with knob of butter for half hour remembering to baste them half way through .

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8y ago

For whole baby carrots or carrots sliced into 1-inch or larger pieces, parboil for five minutes. If they are sliced smaller than one inch pieces or are diced, boil for two to three minutes.

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Q: How long does it take to parboil carrots?
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How long to parboil 8 cups of sliced carrots?

If the water is boiling when you put them in, about 5 minutes.

How long should you parboil chicken leg quarters for grilling?

It is not necessary to parboil chicken, whether whole or parts, before grilling. But if you do choose to parboil it first, you can boil it until it's fully cooked, then grill on high heat until it's the color and outer texture you want. Or you can parboil it until it's about halfway done, then finish cooking on the grill. You can add seasonings to the water when parboiling to give it extra flavor, whether you parboil it till done, or parboil it only part done.

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You do not have to parboil chicken before frying.

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Root vegetables such as carrots, beets, and turnips take approximately fifty minutes to digest. Leafy vegetables take approximately forty minutes to digest.

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One should par broil Miami ribs for 15 to 20 minutes. Take the ribs out of the water mixture and pat dry before cooking.

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yo mama so fat dat she fat

How long do you parboil cauliflower?

You may need at least one hour to boil a frozen cauliflower.

How long will it take a guinea pig to eat 2 carrots?

not long! guinea pigs eat really fast! probably 39mins

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How many ounces of carrots does it take to turn you orange?

It all depends on size and how long you eat carrots. You actually turn orange but it's not as orange as the carrot. It's a faint orange. Probably if you do eat carrots daily you may be a bit more orange. But it all depends

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Do you parboil a spiral ham?

You can parboil ham prior to roasting though it is not compulsory.Many chefs believe it is better to do so, equally there are others that disagree. It is a matter of personal preference.