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any time i could afford it - i ate it within about one day. why keep it longer than that?

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14y ago

Information seems to vary anywhere from 2-4 months. If well-sealed and in a chest freezer, the longer time could be attainable.

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Q: How long can you freeze king crab legs?
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How long is a king crab legs?


How long long do you boil thawed king crab legs?

I usually immediately boil after removing for between 5 to 10 min. I have eaten about 20 claws that I have boiled this year and they all tasted great. After they are done boiling I immediately drop in a salt water bath to rapidly cool down. I either serve them cold or freeze for later. Store bought stone crab claws are typically boiled ahead of time with many commercial crab boats boil the claws on the boat or just on the dock to keep them from spoiling.

How long should crab legs cook in the oven?

almost all Alaskan King and Snow Crab are cooked before they are sold....only heating to internal temperature of 145 is necessary. Best done by steaming

How long is the king crab season?

The Yeti Crab is an odd looking creature that has fuzzy yellow hairs that cover its legs. The Yeti Crab averages about 5 inches in length.

Is it ok to freeze raw dungeness crab?

Yes you can freeze your Dungeness crab meat raw as long as the crab has been cleaned prior to freezing. For more information check here:

Why does a Japanese giant spider crab have long legs?

it is half spider

How can you tell when Alaskan king crab legs are bad?

Overpowering crab smell; slimy shell; meat no longer firm and/or crusty and brownish where cut from body and lack of taste. All this means crab was either defrosted and refrozen or frozen too long. Discard.

How long is a yeti crab?

The Yeti Crab is an odd looking creature that has fuzzy yellow hairs that cover its legs. The Yeti Crab averages about 5 inches in length.

What do body crabs look like?

It depends what type of crab they are. Most have claws and are small, but there are some that are huge and bigger than an average man.

What is the crab that looks like a spider?

the crab that looks like a spider is a Japanese spider crab it has long big legs and it looks like a daddy long legs this crab can have a leg span of up to 3.9 meters long (and it eats any thing) your welcome every one who actually reads this answer

How long is the king crab fishing season?

How long have king crap been in the US?

um... king crab?? and I don't know.. I just can't handle how bad that typo was.