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The mere act of a child residing with someone other than the parent or legal guardian does not constitute abandonment. Abandonment is legally defined as the act of leaving a person without the necessities of life (food, shelter, lack of financial means, etc.) when it pertains to a child it is usually considered endangement. If the adult allows the child to reside in their home without attempting to resolve the situation by contacting the parents or authorities the law will presume the adult caregiver consented to the arrangement. The law generally considers temporary custody as (3 months or less) and there not being a necessity of a court order. That is with the assumption that the parents of the minor have consented to the arrangement. Any adult who allows a minor child to reside in their home without the knowledge and/or consent of the parents can be subject to civil and criminal penalties. I

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Q: How long does it take for a child to be considered abandoned by his parent?
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How long can a parent go without seeing their child in the state in IL?

Before the child is considered abandoned? Three months of physical absence and/or failure to provide for the child is considered abandonment and the courts may involuntarily terminate parental rights if a motion is filed for the same. It should be noted, however, that termination of parental rights does not automatically terminate child support obligation.

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How long can a parent go without seeing a child before its considered abandonment in the state of Pennsylvania

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If a parent has abandoned their child for long enough duration, there is an action for termination of his parental rights. Abandonment is the deliberate action by a parent to leave his or her child behind or the refusal to assume parental responsibilities from the outset of the child¿s life. The parent bringing the lawsuit has to show that the non-consenting biological parent has disregarded his parental duties toward the child and permanently intends to do so.

How long is considered abandonment in Ohio?

In Ohio it is considered abandonment if a child is neglected or suffers physical or mental injury by a parent. It is also abandonment if a parent leaves their child for any period of time without any support, money, or communication.

How long can a child go without seeing a parent in Florida to be considered abandonment?

A bit of almost a few years

How long does a parent have to be out of contact for it to be considered abandonment of the child?

Depends on the state. It can be 6 months to a 1 year without paying child support etc.

How long does the custodial parent have to be away with no contact for it to be considered child abandonment in the State of Arizona so the non custodial parent can file for sole custodial rights?

Abandonment of a child is defined in Arizona Revised Statute Section 8-201(1) as failing to supervise or support a child with the intent to allow that neglect to go on for an indefinite time. If this form of neglect continues for a period of six months the statute presumes the parent has abandoned the child. However courts will consider certain extenuating circumstances on the part of the parent accused of child abandonment before making a final determination. Consult an attorney specializing in family law for more information.

How long can a parent go without seeing the child before it is considered abandonment in the state of South Dakota?

'Abandonment' is when a child is left somewhere with no parent, ie, the child has been ditched somewhere. If the child is with one parent, it doesn't matter how long the other parent doesn't see it, it's never 'abandonment'.

How long can a parent go without seeing the child before it is considered abandonment in the state of Missouri?

48hrs unless its with someone or it is 18

Does a parent have to keep an annoying child especially if he or she bothers others around them?

Nobody can make you keep a child if you really don't want them. But I have to ask why this child should be given up. Has the parent tried finding out why the child is acting inappropriately, or is the parent not an appropriate parent? Perhaps some counseling could resolve these problems before the option of giving the child up is considered. Giving up a child can have long lasting negative effects on them.

How long can you leave a child before it is considered abandonment in the state of Tennessee?

If a parent gives up a parental relationship with his child and withholds financial support then the child can be considered abandoned within six months to one year in Texas. Full parental rights can be given to the other parent if they are eligible. The child can be placed in temporary custody at another home as well.

how long can a parent not be in contact with their child before it is considered abandonment?

Abandonment of a child from a legal stand point varies from state to state as well as the age of the child and whether the separation was willful on the part of the parent, initiated by the child or the parent and numerous other factors. 6 months to one year is the usual amount of time for children 14 or older to be considered to be legally abandoned while children 13 and under the time period can be as short as 24 hours. There are so many variables which must be considered when defining this question such as where was the child left, were there any responsible individuals over the age of 14 present, how many children were left alone, were phone numbers left so help could be called in case of emergency, what time of day was it, and the list goes on and on!