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Q: How long does a guava seed take to become a tree with fruit?
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Is guava fruit's seed hard or soft?

Its hard

How do guava's disperse?

Guava seed dispersal : guava seed are normally dispersed via ingestion by animals (mostly birds and mammals). This method is also called endozoochory. Endozoochory is generally a two-way relationship in which a plant surrounds seeds with an edible, nutritious fruit as an inducement for animals that consume it. The seeds are then dispersed via the animals' excrement.

What is the difference between fir and guava tree?

A guava is LIKE an avocado shaped fruit, and the insides are normally pink and has multiple seeds in it. A guava is sweet. An olive has a strong taste and is used in oil form or eaten just like that. It has only one seed

What does the fertilized egg become when its surrounded by fruit?

a seed i think

What happen to the seed before it becomes a seedling?

the plant get's dried and the seed will fall so the seed will grow and it will have fruit and the seed of the fruit will be trown so the seed will have a little tree and the bee's will go to the flower of the plant and that is how a seedling's will become

Can guava seeds cause appendicitis?

Yes. You can get acute appendicitis due to guava seeds or seed of orange. At times the seed lodge in the lumen of the appendix and cause acute appendicitis.

Do guava seeds can causes appendicitis?

Yes. You can get acute appendicitis due to guava seeds or seed of orange. At times the seed lodge in the lumen of the appendix and cause acute appendicitis.

Why do flowering plants bear fruit?

After pollination the ovules develop into seed and the ovary ripens to become the fruit. This firstly protects the ripening seeds, the ripened fruit sometimes assists with seed dispersal as they are eaten by animals who then transport and deposit the seed in different locations.

Guava trees seed is disperse by?

By animals that eat it and then throw it in the surroundings

Is an advocado a fruit?

Yes, avocado is a fruit. Any vegetable with a seed or seeds is a fruit. The pit of an avacado is a seed.

What do the ovaries and the ovules became after fertilisation?

The ovary will become the fruit of the plant while the ovules will become the seeds of the plant.

What part of the pistil become seed and fruit after fertilization?

The ovule becomes the seed.