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They must have lived here for the past 14 years, but also had to have been born here.

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Q: How long does a person have live in the US of the US to be president?
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How long must a person live in the us before they become president?

A person must be a natural born citizen to be elected President.

How long you have to live in the us to run for president?

You have to be born in America to be President.

How long to you have to live in the US to become a president?

You have to live in the US for about 3 to 5 years.

What does a person need to do to run for president?

In order to run for president the person must be 35 and older, they must live in the us and they must be from the us(born in the us). the best chance you have to become president is to be a mayor of a town, city or state, or be a senator of the state you live in.

How long does a president have to live in the US?

They must be born in the U.S.

How long does a person have to be a us citizen before president?

you have to be born in America to become president

WHERE must a person live in the US to be eligible to run for President?

No restrictions. The President must have lived in the US for 14 years and have been born in the US.

How long must the president live in the us before becoming president?

you must live in the united states for 14 years in order to be elligible to be president

How long must a President be a resident in America?

According to the US Constitution, the person has to live there for no less than 14 years before being eligible.

How old must a person be for president?

he needs to be 35 years old have to be born in the US. and you have to live in the US.

How many years you have to live in the US to be president?

A person who wants to be president has to have lived in the US for 14 years, as well as to be born a citizen of the United States to run for the office.

How long must a person be a US citizen for before running for the president's office?

In order to run for U.S. President or Vice President, a person must have been a U.S. citizen since birth.