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Well thIs can says it expired it 09 and it's 12. I'll let you know how I feel in a few hours.

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Q: How long will canned ravioli last?
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Related questions

Can you heat canned ravioli in the microwave?

Canned ravioli is already cooked, it just needs to be reheated, there are several ways to reheat canned ravioli, over a gentle heat in a sauce pan, in a dish in the microwave, in a hot oven and in a billy can over a camp fire are a few examples.

How long do canned vegetables last?

Canned vegetables can last quite a long time if canned properly. Vegetables that have been canned can last for as many as 3-5 years if stored correctly.

How long can canned corn last?

Commercially canned corn should last up to three years.

How long does canned pears last?

Yes and i dont give

How long does beef jerky last if it is dry canned?

two monhts

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What kinds of food is needed in Haiti?

Canned products that can last long when concealed.

Can ravioli be refrigerated instead of frozen?

I don't know for sure, but i would say yes. It just won't last as long as it would in a freezer.

How long does home canned applesauce last?

Generally factory-canned products can last for as long as 2-3 years, though they usually feature a best before/use by date.. If you packaged it yourself, the shelf life will be considerably shorter!

How long does homemade canned food last?

Some can last almost indefinitely, provided they were prepared, processed, and stored properly. Items that were canned used an artificial sweetener instead of sugar have a shelf life of approximately one year.

How long will smoked salmon last?

we have home canned salmon that was canned ten years ago. should we throw it away?

What is ravioli made of?

Ravioli are a type of filled pasta composed of a filling sealed between two layers of thin pasta dough. Ravioli can be filled with a long list of different things including meat, cheese, vegetables, fish, and combinations of these.