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A jellyfish's venom is incredibly complex as it directly attacks the central nervous system as well as other organs. The venom can kill within three minutes after being stung. Box jellyfish venom have caused over 72 known fatal deaths.

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11y ago

It is not always fatal, but it will take around an hour to die if you don't receive treatment.

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Do humans eat Jellyfish?

yes human eat jellyfish yes human eat jellyfish

Can a great white kill a jellyfish?

A large box jellyfish or a man of war jellyfish could if it had very long tentacles.

Can a jellyfish kill a great white shark?

A large box jellyfish or a man of war jellyfish could if it had very long tentacles.

What does jellyfish use its sting for?

Jellyfish uses it's stinger to stun or kill fish. After it stuns them it eats them. Some Stingers can be over 50ft long!

Can a daddy long kill a human?

No. Most of them do not have teeth long enough to penetrate human skin, and those that do, have venom too mild to kill a human.

How long or tall full grown box jellyfish?

A Box Jellyfish can weigh up to 2 kg (4.4 lb) and some species have tentacles that can reach up to 3 m (9.8 ft) in length. Note however that even juvenile specimens can sting and, in certain circumstances, kill a human.

How big is a boxed jellyfish?

They can be from a size of an adult's finger to over 5 ft long. Their stings are fatal to human beings.

What happens when a jellyfish stings a human?

Usually, jellyfish stings will hurt, but are not emergencies. Most cause pain, red marks, itching, numbness, or tingling. But a few types of jellyfish (mainly found in Australia, the Philippines, the Indian Ocean, and central Pacific Ocean) are very dangerous, and can cause people to get very sick quickly.

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they kill them and eat them.[well the chinese people do] and they kill them and they threaten them.

How long do jellyfish eat?

It takes about an hour for a jellyfish to digest a "meal".

Can Jellyfish sting while on the beach?

Yes it can, as long as it is alive.

What is the longest a firefly can live with a human in a house?

not long ......i would kill him