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Usually it takes a few hours for the swelling to go down. If you have a large local reaction to the stinger, the swelling will increase for the next 1 or 2 days but will subside after the course of about a week.

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11y ago

The time for a bee sting to heal can depend on a number of factors:

  • Different people respond differently to bee stings.
  • The site of the sting. Stings to the face or neck are often worse
  • The amount of venom injected by the sting. The quicker the sting is removed, the less venom there will be because the sting can continue injecting venom for up to two minutes after the bee has gone.

From personal experience (you can't be a beekeeper and not expect the occasional sting) the pain will go in an hour or two, but any swelling can take anything from a few hours to a couple of days.

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Quite a while. About 72 hours to say the least.

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12y ago

Ice it. Also, if you do not have a Sting Kill product handy, immediate application of meat tenderizer will neutralize the wasp venom and reduce its effect on the victim.

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Under normal circumstances, a wasp sting will heal in 2 to 5 days. If you have an allergy or sensitivity, it may take slightly longer.

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14y ago

The pain will be immediate. The level of swelling will vary from person to person.

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Q: How long does it take for swelling from a wasp sting to go away?
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