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Q: How long does it take to reopen NJ unemployment claim?
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How long does a pended unemployment claim take to resolve?

2 weeks

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How long does it take to reopen a discharged bankruptcy?

However long it takes you to get a lawyer and/or complete the motion to reopen and pay the filing fee. If you are planning on not having a lawyer, be careful what you do. If you reopen a case, you allow a lot of things to happen that you may not want, including having your discharge revoked.

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How long before you get your money after you file a claim?

How long it will take before you get your money after you file a claim depends on the type of claim you are filing. It could take a few days to a few months before you actually see any money.

What is the max percentage a state can take from unemployment for child support?

In florida they take 40% of my unemployment

What if unemployment check is in the mail and you start a new job the day before it arrives?

The check is for the previous period of time that you were unemployed, so you should keep it and then let the unemployment office know the date that you returned to work. They will take care of ending your claim and changing your status.

Can the banks have a claim on your house if you are in a partnership going bust?

If you take out a long then yes

How long after you file an appeal for Indiana unemployment will you get a hearing?

The process can take four to eight weeks for a scheduled hearing.

What type of unemployment occurs when people take time to find a job?

Frictional unemployment

Can you reopen a case that you plead guilty to?

No. if you pled yourself guilty and you are found guilty you cant reopen the case.