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It's nearly impossible to answer your question without first knowing how many milligrams are being consumed, at what intervals and then length of time in which the medication has been used.

However... I personally have had numerous surgeries and every time I LOATHE the aftermath and consequence of 'weaning' myself off of the opiate based pain killers. I have found a system that works for me but there's no quick or miraculous way to bypass the withdrawals from such a strong, yet effective, pain reliever.

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If you have any decent self control or someone to ration them out to you, here's a suggestion and my personal preference for taking one's self off of oxycodone.

First thing to do is to set up a written schedule and purchase a labeled pill box so you don't forget whether or not you've missed a dose (plastic baggies work best for me). If you've been 'free-feeding' yourself whenever the mood struck you, now is the time to cut that out and get organized....

Whether you are taking... one or two... 5mg,7.5mg or 10mg oxy's every few hours, I'd immediately start by spreading out the intervals in which you're taking the medication. In stead of dosing every 4 hours, push it to 5 or 5.5 hours apart (put actual times on your portioned plastic baggies). Keep doing this for a few days.

*Only if you are taking two pills at every interval... After spreading out your scheduled dosing times for a couple of days, begin breaking the second pill in half. Lower your dosage amount and adjust before resuming and expanding the time intervals again.

If you're only taking one, continue every day pushing the time apart in half hour to one hour increments. Continue labeling portioned baggies with actual times for accuracy. Journaling your doses isn't a bad idea either.

After a week of adjusting the intervals and dosage you may start experiencing a hard time falling and staying asleep. If you have a doctor, now is a good time to ask for ambien or if you're a street junkie then Tylenol pm should help...


HugsSSs, good luck and God bless

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12y ago
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13y ago

it can take a week to start feeling normal again the best thing to do is to lower your miligram and whien yourself off!! depending on the miligram you do a day take less everyday and then switch to lortabs. your body will eventually not need as much and you will slowly feel better without it.

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13y ago

Each person will be different, but mine went like this: It seems to get bad, better than super bad like a freight train out of nowhere.

day 1: not much, maybe a few hot flashes

day 2: sweating, hot flashes, cold flashes, pain

day 3: see above but intensified, trouble sleeping even on sleeping aids, worse pain

day 4: see above, total loss of appetite and heavy limbs, problems sleeping, worse pain.

day 5: projectile vomiting and dry heaving that pops out of the middle of NOWHERE when you think you're almost done, more pain.

day 6: continued nausea, lower than normal body temp, chills, sweaty, barfed about half a gallon because you can't hold down water, pain.

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12y ago

Withdrawal symptoms of Oxycontin may include depression, nausea, constapation, cancer, stomach pains, multiple periods, and may even lead to death.

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