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first timers will usually feel a mood alteration (at lower doses, such as 10-20 mg) for 4 or more hours, with a "body buzz" that lasts much longer. with prolonged use/abuse, tolerance will elevate and the high will be less intense, but last longer. sometimes in to the next day.

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11y ago
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9y ago

The effects of methadone last 24-36 hours.methadone can stay in your system for about 48-72 hours methadone blocks the effects of opiates for 24-26 hours. I was on 80mg of methadone for 5 years. When I quit cold turkey, I felt normal for about 5 days. Then I had the withdrawals. Its weird, since I was told methadone is out of your body in 3 days, as far as showing up on a drug test, but it took much longer for the withdrawals to start, and even LONGER for them to stop.

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9y ago

As far as "high" or "euphoria," methadone Is associated with those feelings in individuals who are considered to be opioid naive and/or they are just starting to receive methadone; either from a clinic who dispenses methadone as an addiction treatment medication OR via a physician for pain. This period is called the induction phase and it has been my experience that patients get "high," only during this phase of treatment-both pain & addiction treatment. Now as far as 10mg specifically, methadone has a varying half-life (the time it takes your body to break down 1/2 of the medication/drug). Depending on the individual, the half-life of methadone can vary as widely as 8-56 hours but is said to have an average half life among the general population of 24-28 hours. Depending on how you metabolize methadone, once taken, the plasma concentrations peak in about 3 hours. Howe ER even though methadone has a long half life it doesn't cause euphoria for that long but rather lasts no more than 2 hours. However the feeling of contentment should last an entire 24 hour period. In addition not to preach BUT methadone is a very powerful medication and even though its' control of pain lasts up to 8 hours, its' respiratory effects can last up to 24 hours. Finally mixing methadone with sedatives, alcohol or even OTC medications can cause an individual taking methadone to stop breathing.

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11y ago

Well depending on the dose, its half-life is usually 24-36 hours. My first dose of methadone was 30mg and it lasted almost 48 hours and I was really "high" from it. But after a few weeks that high feeling goes away and you start to feel normal. But yes, methadone is a very long-acting opiate and will last much longer than most other opiates.

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How long does methadone last when you take it?

2 days max

How long does a 10 mg methadone pill last?

Methadone is not intended to create a euphoric effect. If euphoria occurs this can indicate that you are taking too much methadone.

How long does 4 methadone 10 mg last?

I say 15 hours

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If you are asking how long it affects the nervous system, it is 3.8 hours.

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You can take methadone after suboxone but do not take suboxone after methadone. If you have any opiates in your system and take suboxone, you will go into withdrawal......

How long does a typical daily dose of Methadone maintenance last?

Methadone, if taken as prescribed by your physician, should keep you well throughout the day until it is time to take it again the following day.

What are the side effects of withdrawing from methadone and how long does it last?

Symptoms of methadone withdrawal include nausea, body aches and pains, cold sweats, vomiting and diarrhea. Trouble sleeping and craving can also occur.

How does methadone effect anesthesia?

I was the first to go in for surgery (on 90mls of Methadone) & the last to wake up after. I was asleep an extra 4hrs after the last guy to wake who went in as the 4th patient.

Does methadone last longer than vicodin?

yes it last about 24 hours while vicodin only last 5 hours. But be careful as methadone is more addictive than heroin, and the withdrawals are 10x worse.

Is methadone a long acting drug?


Can you take elavil with methadone?

ive been taking the elavils to sleep for the last week along with my methadone, so take em and sleep :)

How long after taking methadone will it show up in drug test?

Methadone can be found for three days in the urine after consumption.