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It depends on the species. Diamondback rattlesnakes, the largest of the rattlers, have young that are 10 to 12 inches in length when born.

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About 80% of newborn rattlesnakes will be eaten by predators long before they reach their first birthday.

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5.8 ft long

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Q: How long are rattlesnakes when babies?
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How many babies does a diamondback rattle snake?

Rattlesnakes breed once every 2-3 years.

How long do rattlesnakes sleep?

2 to 6 hours

How long do rattlesnakes live for?

Depending on the actual species - 20-25 years.

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As long as they stay babies is how long they stay babies.

Do rattlesnakes raise their young?

Some species of snake lay eggs, but not the rattlesnake, they give birth to live young.

How does a rattlesnake raise its young?

Rattlesnakes do not take care of the young, they are fully capable of looking after them selves at birth.

How long do Aruba Island rattlesnakes live?

15 to 20 years

Is the rattlesnake aggressive?

Rattlesnakes do not actually want to bite you. They rattle the tip of their tail as a warning to stay away, and if the enemy does not leave, it will bite. Rattlesnakes with babies are especially aggressive, so they may bite right away.

What are rattlesnakes called in the desert?

Rattlesnakes are called rattlesnakes in the desert and elsewhere.

How long does a female carry puppies?

As long as an elephant. An elephant carries the babies as long as a Pheonix. A Phoenix carries the babies as long as a dragon. A dragon carries the babies as long as a sea surpent. A sea surpent carries the babies as long as a girraffe. A giraffe carries the babies as long as a flugenflagen.

Why do rattlesnakes have eyelashes?

Rattlesnakes do not have eyelashes.

Are there rattlesnakes in Scotland?

There are no rattlesnakes in Scotland.