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This is different for every woman although mine lasted 9 days and they usually lasted 6 or 7 before I had my baby!!! Hope this helps!!! Mine were exactly the same length after having a baby 4-5 days, though before getting pregnant my cycle was 36 days, after my first it came down to 30 days and after my second (I was 35 years old) I had 28 day cycles.

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Q: How long is the first period a woman gets after having a baby supposed to last?
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The first day of a womans menstrual cycle is also the first day of menstruation.

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If a woman does not have a period she cannot get pregnant.

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Yes! as long as it is in that period of a woman's fertility cycle where she is ovulating and she doesn't have to have had her first period yet either. Same after having a baby - she can get pregnant right away, again without having a period. The fertility cycle comes before the period.

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Yes a woman that is pregnant will stop having her period, until the baby is born.

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If a woman is having her period, there's no need for a pregnancy test.

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The time between having a period ...( Two weeks After Or Two weeks Before!!)

What does the period looks like whiles pregnant?

you are not supposed to have a period while pregnant. Most women do NOT get their period when pregnant. Some may have slight bleeding here and there. It will be red. I have heard of quite a few woman who do indeed experience a kind of period in their first trimester and some who have had periods all the way through. So, don't listen to the first answer.

When a woman is menstruating you say she having a?

When a woman is having her period is it called menstruation. Another term is menstrual phase as this is one of several phases in the menstrual cycle.