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Not always. However, they generally sleep standing up, as they can lock their legs to stop them falling over. In the wild this is so that predators are less likely to attack, as the horse looks bigger whilst it is standing rather than laying close to the ground. Though in a lot of cases horses do tend to lay down if they are sick. If a horse has Colic, for example, will cause them to get very bad stomach pains, which makes them want to lay down and roll.

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13y ago

Not too long. It's harder for a horse to breath, and puts pressure on one side of their body which is bad. Usually horse's don't stay on the ground too long, they know when to get up. If a horse is too weak to stand, then there's a problem :(

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12y ago

Horses in the wild, being prey animals, generally lie down for only a few minutes a day. Horses will, however, lie down for longer periods of time if another horse is standing by to keep guard.

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15y ago

Yes, they can. They can when they sleep (but they can also sleep standing up!).

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12y ago

A horse can get up from either side, so long as it does not have an injury that would prevent it from doing so.

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Q: How long should a horse lay on its side?
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How do you lay while pregnant?

you should not lay on your stomach. your should lay on which ever side is most comfortable but your left side is a whole lot better for baby

What happens when a horse is on its side?

A horse who is on its side may be sleeping, or it may be sick or in pain. A mare lays on her side to foal (give birth). A horse who has expired/died will also lay on its side. If you are worried about a horse who is on its side and does not want to get up, contact a veterinarian immediately. A horse on its side may be cast against a stall wall and need assistance. A horse on its side may also be weak, or stuck and need assistance to rise. Horses are prey animals (food) and as such are uncomfortable being in a position in which they cannot run away. A horse who is down for too long will begin to suffer damage to tissues, so getting a horse up is important.

When your horse refuses food and water looks around their side paws the ground and tries to lay down what is wrong?

Your horse is sick

When a horse refuses water and food looks at their side paws the ground and tries to lay down often what kind of collic does it have?

your horse has the impaction colic.

Is is dangerous for a horse to lay on its side for a long time?

this depends on what your definition is of a 'long time'. Horses must sleep laying down to get full REM sleep, but this only lasts for a few minutes. Some horses also like to lay on their sides in the sun to rest. However if a horse has been down for an hour or more, or is extremely still while laying down it would be best to check the horse and call a equine veterinarian.

Can you lay on your side after a rhinoplasty?

You can ask your surgeon that because your situation can be different. But typically you should not lay on your side for at least a week since your nose is very tender. You won't wake up with your nose tilted to the side, but you could roll on it or interfere with the healing position of your inner stitches if you lay sideways too long. Hope that helped!

While riding a horse what things should you not do to convince it to buck?

If your horse goes to buck you should try to keep its head up because it is harder for a horse to buck or lay down if its head is up.

While pregnant what side should you lay on?

It is safe it sleep on either side. They tell you its best to lay on your left because your kidneys drain better when you lay on the left. Just don't lay flat on your back

Will it hurt a horse to lay down for a long time?

It is not good for a horse to lay down because people think that the circulation of the blood stops flowing through their legs, and they may lay down if they hurt something. From Horses often lay down with no complications. They will lie on their side, then on the other side and often on their chest. Many will lay down to sleep. A relaxed horse will lay down and enjoy the warmth of the earth and from the sunshine

When your horse does not eat or drink looks at it side paws the ground often tries to lay down?

it may be pregnant but I'm no horse expert so I'm just guessing ; )

Can you lay on your side after lasik surgery?

Yes! If you're concerned about the flap moving, lying on your side should not be a probelm.

How do you lay down a horse?

If the horse is sedated, the vet will help you lay him down, as this can be dangerous. A sedated horse will not stay on his feet, although a tranquilized horse might. A firm grip on the lead rope is necessary to pull the horse's neck straight out, then ease the horse onto his haunches and then his side. If you're laying a horse down to train him, you will also need a surcingle and another lead rope. Run a lead rope thru a surcingle loop so the horse's neck is turned away from you, while using the second lead rope to pick up the front foot nearest you. This can be very dangerous, and should only done by a trained professional. If you want to train your horse to lay down on command, this takes time and patience, but most horses can learn it eventually. Try the website below. Well if you want the horse to sleep sedated it it will fall asleep and lay down or it will fall asleep stood up! if you want to teach your horse to lay down so you can get on/off then check out this website it has everything you need to know about natural horsemanship!