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There is no one correct answer. Each FFl will set his own rules.

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Q: How long should an FFL hold a gun until it is picked up?
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How long can Harris county jail hold someone on an out of county warrant?

Until they are picked up by the county that holds the warrant.Added: The term "Extradition" is used only when referring to out-of-state warrants.

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Each city and state will have their own laws as to how long to hold a recovered stolen car. They could hold the car up until the court date of the accused thief.

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until I put it down

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Just hold the skull until you get an anchevment for it, then save and quit.

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They hold office until they either die or retire.

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Harvest time for cucumbers can range from 50 to 70 days from the time of planting, depending upon the size desired and the intended use. They should not be left so long as to turn yellow.

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your should hold your guinea pig for about 30min to an hour each day

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until you feel like your dying

How long can Los Angeles County Jail hold you on an out of county warrant?

My understanding is that they have 90 days to either have you picked up or have to release you to your own recognizance.

How long can you hold your breathe?

average 1 minute