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If it is really bothering and hurting you, you should see a doctor. Good luck and God Bless:)

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Q: How long should you have cramping Is it a bad sign that you're about 4-6 weeks and still having some abdominal discomfortness?
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What causes cramping stomach vomiting when having a bowel movement?

Symptoms of a cramping stomach and vomiting when having a bowel movement should be addressed by a physician. This may be a stomach virus or it may have a more serious meaning and should be evaluated.

You are 7 weeks along should you be having hip and pelvic pain It feels like pulled muscles everytime you get up and walk?

No you shouldn't be having severe or uncomfortable pain. Abdominal cramping is normal during pregnancy providing it isn't severe or very uncomfortable. See your Doctor for a check up.

What does it mean if you are anally expelling large amounts of blood and have bad abdominal cramping?

If these are discharges from your vagina, go to an hospital emergency room,. You may be having a miscarriage.

Can you die from Abdominal pain?

If you have abdominal pain you should ask your doctor or go to There you can pinpoint symptoms and causes.

I'm having a little cramping after having a miscarriage should I go to a hospital?

Only if they are very bad. Cramps after/during a miscarriage are normal

What if the Mirena is hurting you on the inside causing cramping what should I do?

If you're having cramping with Mirena, you should use a backup method until you can get the position checked by your health care provider. If all is well, you can talk with your provider about options.

Should i be cramping or bleeding?

It's normal if you are having a period, but not for any other reason. If you aren't menstruating, or if you are but the cramping lasts more than a couple of days, you need to see a doctor.

Is cramping healthy in pregnancy?

no. any cramping or pain should be discussed with your doctor

Why do you have pelvic pain and frequent periods?

If you are having irregular periods and moderate to severe abdominal pain you should probably see a gynecologist.

Is it possible to have sharp abdominal pains when you are new to the pill?

Hello, Yes, it is possible for a woman to experience abdominal pains or frequent cramping when she first starts birth control or changes to a different birth control. However if the pain persists, see your Doctor. Please note this is advice only & should not be used in place of your Doctors evaluation.

Im about six weeks pregnant and you are experiencing cramping Is this normal?

Cramping is normal during pregnancy and could persist. It could also be a sign that the baby is in distress or that you are having false labor pains. You should go get an ultrasound to make sure that the baby isn't in distress. If the cramping is sever then it could be preterm contractions. If the cramping gets worse and closer together you should go straigh to the hospital and have an ultrasound or to the labor and delivery room at the nearest hospital straight away.

Should you go to the emergency room if you have been on your period for weeks because of the depo shot. and your having bad abdominal pain.?

Yes you should seek medical advice.