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It depends upon what "elevated" means as well as your level of conditioning. It is best to check with your physician in advance. As a rule, three minutes after your fitness exercises ends, you should be lower than 50% of your predicted maximum heart rate. Therefore, figure out your predicted maximum heart rate in advance (or just ask your physician) and check your pulse three minutes after the end of your training. If it is too high, your are training too strenuously, so reduce the intensity of your training and build up more slower to a greater degree of fitness.

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Q: How long should your heart rate stay elevated after workout?
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How long should you ride a stationary bike of exercise?

Depends on your goals obviously. Anything is better than nothing, but usually you should aim at 45+ minutes at a decently elevated heart rate to get a worthwhile workout.

How many miles on a road bike is considered a good workout?

It's not about the miles, but rather about how hard and how long you're riding. Road biking is a lot about endurance, so between dedicated riders it has to be 2-3 hours or more to "count". If you're not that into biking a sort of general definition of a workout is about one hour at an elevated heart rate.

How long should a workout session be?

Aim for 30 minutes to an hour per session. The duration depends on the type and intensity of your workout.

Getting the Perfect Cardio Workout?

If you are beginning a new exercise routine to promote good heart health, then you already know that a good cardio workout is what you need to do. What you may not realize is that the key to getting the perfect cardio exercise for your specific needs is finding out at what rate you need to keep your heart beating, and for how long. A target heart rate calculator will help you figure out where your heart rate needs to stay during your routine to give you the best workout.

What exercise helps your heart?

Extended periods of cardio, such as running, jogging, cycling, swimming, and walking, to name a few. The heart is a muscle, and follows the same principals as other muscle groups. The longer and harder you work the muscle, the stronger and healthier it becomes. As long as your pulse is significantly elevated during your exercise, you are working your heart. The best way to check if your workout regimen is working your heart is by taking your resting heart rate every day. If it gradually gets lower, then it's working. The lower your resting heart rate is, the stronger your heart is. An hour of cardio every day is a good place to start.

Every how long should I increase the weight I use when working out?

When working out you should increase the weight you use gradually as you progress with your workout.

What is the best workout for half- marathon?

It should be just running long distance every day. I would recommend it

Is a gym membership or workout DVD better?

I would suggest that you start with a DVD workout and see how you get along with that. It's way cheaper than gym membership, and as long as you are motivated you should get good results from using it (and at a fraction of the cost of a gym workout)

What is the advantage of a spinning workout routine if trying to lose pregnancy weight?

It is a constant burning of calories, even after the workout is done. Since you stay in the target heart rate zone for so long, you burn many calories while do it and also have after burn.

How long has he been elevated?

10 yrs

How long do gym workouts need to be to be effective?

If you want to truly get a good workout, then you should workout anywhere from 30-40 minutes. If you spend less time than that, you won't be doing yourself any good.

How long should a heart warm up last?

several minutes