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Margot Frank died in late February or early March 1945 and Anne Frank died in early March 1945, a few days after her sister. They both perished in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

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Margot Frank died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration came on March 9, 1945. Three days later, on March 12, Anne Frank died in the same camp.

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Q: How long was it after Margot Frank died did Anne Frank died?
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How long was Anne Frank in a concentration camp before she died?

Anne Frank (and her sister Margot) died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945 (exact dates not known). The camp was liberated by the British on 15 April 1945.

Did Anne Frank have lice?

Yes, Anne Frank did mention dealing with lice in her diary while she was in hiding during World War II. She wrote about how she and the others in hiding had to deal with the issue and the challenges it presented.

How long did anne frank make it?

She went into hiding at 13, died at 15.

How long was Anne Frank at Bergen Belson before she died?

six months

How long was Anne Frank alive?

Anne Frank was born on 12 June, 1929 and died in early March, 1945. She was 15 years old and 9 months.

What happened to Anne Frank during the war?

Seven months after her arrest, Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, within days of the death of her sister, Margot Frank.Typhus is spread by body lice. Friends who saw her at Belsen described her as covered by lice. Her body has not been found, so this diagnosis is based on the testimony of a woman named IRMA SONNENBERG MENKEL, who was in the same barracks and held Anne in her arms as Anne was dying. She says: Typhus was a terrible problem, especially for the children. Of the 500 in my barracks, maybe 100 got it and most of them died. .. When Anne Frank got typhus I told her she could stay in the barracks, she didn't have to go to roll call.

How long did Anne Frank live for?

anne frank lived for 15 years

Where does Anne Frank find what she long for?

Anne frank long for her diary does not find it because she dies from typhus

How old would Anne Frank be in 2011?

She died a long time ago. anne frank is 85 year old

How long were the Frank family in the secret annex?

The Frank family spent approximately two years in hiding in the secret annex from July 1942 to August 1944 before they were discovered and arrested.

Did Anne Frank have freedom?

No, Anne Frank did not have freedom during the time she was in hiding. She and her family were in hiding to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.

Why was Anne Frank humble?

Anne Frank was humble because she understood the suffering of others during World War II and recognized the importance of kindness and empathy toward others. Despite facing immense challenges, she maintained a sense of humility and gratitude for the small joys in life. Her diary reflects her humility and humility dictated her actions and interactions with those around her.