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i think they 'meow'

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Q: How look does a mother cat look for kittens after they are adopted?
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Related questions

Where does the mother cat go when her kittens are adopted?

Well, unless someone also buys the mother cat, it think the mother cat may stay at the breeder/owners place of operations. And also they might be re-bred to give birth to new kittens.

What does a mother cat do for her kittens?

look after then by feeding them cleaning them protecting them and what ever a human mother does for her human babies (but in cat form..)

Do cat moms search for their kittens when they are miles apart?

Not normally. Mother cats will look for their kittens in the area where she lives, but after a short time she will quit looking.

What is the name of a mother nursing kittens?

A mother cat nursing her kittens is often referred to as a "queen."

What is the name of a mother nursing her kittens?

A mother cat can be called a "Queen"

Where do six week old kittens originate?

The mother cat gives birth to the kittens.

What gets into a garage and carries off kittens?

The mother cat probably moved her kittens.

Does the mother cat leave her kittens if they have worms?


How much help does a mother cat need with her kittens?


Can kittens suck from a cat that is not their mother?

Yes, of course! Another nursing cat's milk is no less nutritious to a kitten if it is not the mother. Letting young orphaned kittens suckle from another nursing mother cat increases their chances of survival.

How long is it till cats have their kittens?

It usually takes about nine weeks for a mother cat to have her kittens.

What is it called when a mother feeds her kittens?

When a mother cat feeds it's kittens, the process is called, "nursing". A mother will nurse her kittens until they have the proper nourishment and are old enough to feed themselves.