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Bromine has five 4p electrons.

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Q: What will be the effective nuclear charge of 4s electron of Br?
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What is the effective nuclear charge experienced by calcium's valence electrons?

as you know we must first have the electron configuration to get the valence electrons. the electron configuration is: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2. we now have the electron configuration but we dont have the v.e. the last electron in the calcium atom are in the 4s orbital so that means that since it the only electron in the 4s orbital we will use it as a v.e. so as to get the v.e. we will subtract the shielding electrons from the nuclear charge shortly expressed by the formula below. Zeff=S-Z in this case Z will be the sum of the shielding electrons and s is the nuclear charge. Zeff=20-18 Zeff=2+ so the effective nuclear charge is 2+ or 2. hope you like it.

What will be the effective nuclear charge on 4s electron of zinc on the basis of Slater's rule?

slater configuration: (1s)2(2s2p)8(3s3p)8(3d)10(4s)2 1 4s e-s 18 3s3p3d e-s 10 2s2p1s e-s σ4s = (1x0.35)+(18x0.85)+(10x1.0) = 25.65 Zeff 4s = Z - σ4s = 30 - 25.65 = 4.35

Even though zinc is after copper in the periodic table leading to an increase in the nulear charge by 1 which should therefore decrease the radius why is it larger than copper?

Zinc has a filled 3d sublevel and 4s sublevel. There is more shielding from the effective nuclear charge within the filled 3d sublevel and also from the filled 4s sublevel. Copper does not have a filled 4s sublevel; recall that one of the 4s electrons "jumps up" to the 3d sublevel thereby stabilizing it by making it filled with 10 electrons. Because of this, the 4s is only half filled and there is not as much shielding within the 4s sublevel allowing the effective nuclear charge to pull the 4th energy level in more toward the nucleus. This will make the overall size of the atom smaller.

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When comparing the energy of an electron in the 3d sub-level to that of an electron in the 4s sublevel of the same atom?

They are both capable of holding a maximum of 10

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The 4S's of communication are Shortness,Simplicity,Strength,Sincerity.

What is the number of electrons in the in the outer shell of K plus?

K is potassium, and it is found in group I and period 4. It is an s block element. So, being in group I, this indicates it has ONE electron in the outer shell (4s).

Why is the electron configuration for copper 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1 instead of 1s22s22p63s23p63d94s2?

Because a full 4s orbital is more stable than a full 3d and half full 4s. So, the last 3d electron jumps up to the 4s orbital.

Is that 4s or 3d orbital to which an excited electron from 3p would first go?

4s, as it is lower in energy.. s then d

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There is merely one unpaired electron in Potassium. The electron configuration of potassium is [Ar]4s^1. This means that potassium has all the electrons of argon, plus one more in the 4s orbital. All the electrons of argon are paired, so the one electron in the 4s orbital is the only unpaired electron.

Why zinc is not a noble gas since its electron configuration is 3d10?

It has two valance electrons. Abbreviated electron configuration. [Ar] 3d^10 4s^2 ( energy wise that would be 4s^2 3d^10 )