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Unless the person specifically states that he is a member of the Freemasons, it is hard to know for sure. If it is someone you know, you should ask. If it is not, it is none of your business.

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Q: How many African presidents are freemasons?
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Why US presidents have to be Freemasons?

Although 15 past U.S. Presidents have been Freemasons, this is not a requirement of office.

Can African Americans become Freemasons?

Yes there are black American Freemasons; many are in Prince Hall Freemasonry.

How many African-American presidents have we had in our country's history?


Was president Lincoln a Freemason?

No, he was not. Only 14 out of 43 of the American Presidents, have been Freemasons.

How many African presidents are free mason?

Burundi free mason

Why do freemasons become presidents?

Why does anyone become a president? Because they want to serve their country. People who have a desire to assist their society and country are not infrequently Freemasons. In other words, the kind of people who become statesmen are the same kinds of people who become Freemasons.

What Presidents of the USare members of the freemasons?

There is only one President of the United States at the present time, and he is not a Mason.

Is there any pastor in freemasons?

Many hundreds are freemasons. I have one Episcopal and one Methodist minister in my lodge. Many Baptists ministers are freemasons.

Who were the nine presidents with African American heritage?

im pretty sure there aren't nine presidents with "african american" heritage. theres only once since obama

What did freemasons have to do with slavery?

Slaves are forbidden from being Freemasons, as Freemasons are by definition free. The Masonic order has been around much longer than abolitionism. In the United States Masonry was and is quite popular among African-Americans, but only free ones.

How many freemasons are there in the world?

According to the related link, there are 5 million Freemasons worldwide.

How many wives do the presidents of Africa have?

It varies by president. Some African presidents have multiple wives, while others have only one. There is no set number of wives that presidents in Africa are allowed to have.