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1. Jewish laws provide for what is known as a preliminary examination before a magistrate first and not by a priest (John 18:13-23).

2. The trial was held at the High Priest's Palace. No trial was ever held at the residence of the high priest. All meetings of the Sanhedrin were held in the hall adjoining the temple. A trial at any other place would have been illegal.

3. Blasphemy is not a Capital offense that warrants a death penalty.

4. Jewish court do not question prisoner. Mt 26:62-64

5. The Jewish law prohibited the opening of a trial at night. Mt 26:55-57.

7. No Capital Offense trials were allowed one day before Passover.

8. No defender was assigned to Jesus. "If none of the judges defend the culprit, i.e., all pronounce him guilty, having no defender in the court, the verdict of guilty was invalid and the sentence of death could not be executed" (Maimonides)."

9. Had Jesus been tried and convicted, he would be stoned, not crucified.

10. Jewish trial of capital offenses requires at least 2 days. One day for the prosecutor and another day for the defense.

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Q: How many Jewish Laws where broken during the trial of Jesus?
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