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Q: How many Republicans in the 112th Congress are pro-choice?
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How many congressman in the House of Representatives are Democrats and how many are Republicans?

The number of Republicans and Democrats in the House changes every 2 years. The current House of Representatives, of the 112th United States Congress, now seats 242 Republicans and 193 Democrats.

How many Democrats are in the 112th congress?

There will be 197 democrats and 242 republicans.

How many Republicans are in the senate this year?

At the start of the 112th Congress there will be 51 Democrats, 47 Republicans and 2 Independents.

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How many republicans and how many democrats in congress?

202 republicans and 233 Democrats

How many republicans in the us?

In the 113th congress, there are 232 Republicans in the House of Representatives.

How many Catholics are in the United States Congress?

The Pew forum on religion and public life tracks these statistics, please see the link below. They quote that in the 112th Congress there are 156 Catholics in Congress (29.2% of the congress)

How many Democrats are in Congress?

110th congress has 202 republicans and 233 democrats in the House of Representatives. AND...49 republicans, 49 democrats, and 2 independents in the Senate.

How many representatives from Texas in the us house are republicans?

For the 113th Congress, 24 of the 36 Texas Congressmen in the House are Republicans.

How did radical republicans gain power in congress?

Republicans gained control of Congress in 1866. Radical Republicans had the support of many Northerners who believed stricter measures should be taken against the former Confederate states. After the vicious violence in New Orleans that had killed dozens of Freedman, they supported the Radical Republicans and the Fourteenth Amendment.

How many Democrats in congress in 1964?

The 88th Congress had: Senate-- 100 members: 63 (Democrats)- 37(Republicans) House of Rep-- 435 members: 259(Democrats)-176 (Republicans) For a total of --322 Democrats out of 535 members

How many US senators are Republicans?

there are 100 senators in the Senate, 2 for every state of America. Of those, there are 41 republicans.