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Q: How many bonds does carbon form in a fullerene?
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What is unique about carbon how many bonds can it form?

Carbon can form 4 covalent bonds as it has 4 valence electrons.

How many bonds does each carbon have?

The most common form is the single bond, carbon atoms can also form double bonds or triple bonds.

How many of these bonds can be formed by a single carbon atoms hydrocarbons?

A carbon can form a maximum of four bonds.

How many bonds will carbon form?


Why can carbon form so many compopunds?

Carbon has the chance to form four bonds.

How many types of bonds can atom form?

Carbon form generally covalent bonds; ionic bonds are rare.

How many bonds can be form in a carbon?

A carbon atom needs four electrons to have a full outer shell so I guess it can form a maximum of four bonds.

How many bonds can a carbon molecule form with another carbon?

Molecule to another carbon- none! Carbon carbon bonds can be single double or triple

How many ionic bonds does carbon form in its compounds?

Carbon normally forms four covalent bonds in its compounds, not ionic bonds.

How many types of bond can carbon atom form?

Single, double, and triple covalent bonds

Carbon forms bonds with a maximum of how many other atoms?

Carbon can only form bonds with a maximum of 4 other molecules. Carbon can only form bonds with a maximum of 4 other molecules.

How many ionic bonds can carbon form?
