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The Hebrew Bible has 24 books, Catholic Bibles have 73 books, Protestant Bibles have 66 books, and Eastern Orthodox Bibles have up to 81 books.

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Q: How many books are in a holy bible?
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What is the Bible and how many books does it have?

it is a holy text used by christians everywhere, there are 66 books in the bible

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There are a total of 66 books in the bible.

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King James bible has 66 books Catholic bible has 73

What are the holy books of Christianity?

The Holy Bible

How many books are in the holy book for christians?

The Bible is the holy book of Christianity. Some other holy books are the Book of Mormon, the Jewish Talmud, and the Islamic Quran.

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Egypt is mentioned positively in the 3 holy books ; Torah , Bible and Quraan .

How many books are the in the holy bible?

There are 66 books in the bible. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. 66 for the Protestant Bible. 73 for the Catholic Bible.

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The Bible

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The Bible(which they call the Holy Pibi).

Is the Bible complementary to Torah or a stand on its own holy book?

Neither. The Hebrew Bible is a collection of 24 Holy books. The Torah is a part of the Hebrew Bible (it is the first 5 books of the Bible).