

How many bullycides are committed in the US every year?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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This presents a problem. First "bullycide," contrary to its existence on the internet is not a word. It is nonsensical.

To understand this, consider the etymology (origin) of the word and suffix.

Bully comes into English from Middle Dutch (boele) meaning lover, from Middle High German to Middle Dutch from (buole) which is surmised to be a childish form of the word bruoder, brother.

Contextually, it originally meant brother, fine fellow, good friend. If came to mean swaggering coward; how is unknown. Hence our use of it today as one who intimidates others.

The suffix -cide is typically used in the words homicideand suicide. It literally means "killing." The word homicide breaks down into two constituents: homi a variant of homo, human. And, -cide, as mentioned before, killing. Literally meaning human-killing, of the killing of a human.

Similarly, the meaning of suicide can be determined. The word is formed from two constituents: sui- derived from Latin meaning oneself. And, -cide, killing. Together they literally mean self-killing, or killing of oneself.

So, bullycide would not mean what is assumed here, it literally would mean bully-killing, or the killing of a bully.

To the intent of the question. It can be assumed that the death of anyone at the hands of another done in anger, homicide, fits the definition of death at the hands of a bully. That being the case, every case of murder in the US, in the world for that matter, is a case of homicide at the hands of a bully. That number can easily be determined. The US Census Bureau's most current data is from 2008. The non-negligent murder rate in the US was 455,000.

The suicide rate of those who have been bullied is not so easily determined. Some could say that all suicides have been bullied at one point or another. This is a bit generalistic. Some who commit suicide have been bullied, and it may contribute to their general feelings of depression that lead eventually to suicide. However, no one commits suicide from being bullied. I going to get in trouble for that statement, but consider. You as an individual make your own choices. True, you do not make those choices in a vacuum; there are the actions of others that you bounce off, react and respond to. But, the final result, the end of the road is your choice. You are ultimately responsible for everything you do. Others may contribute to the decisions you make, but they are your decisions to make. Suicide is a decision. No one else makes it for you.

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