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It really depends an a lot of things. In general, minority children are slightly (and I do mean very slightly) less likely to be adopted than Caucasian children. The age the child is when he/she enters foster care, as well as any special needs (medical issues) and past abuse (some adoptive parents are intimidated by the idea of parenting a child who has been sexually abused, for example) all have an effect.

That said: there are a lot of families who are open to older children, sibling, multi-racial adoption, medical needs, etc, and the rate of children aging out of foster care has been decreasing.

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Q: How many kid go into the adoption system but how many get adopted?
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By finalizing the adoption, the child becomes legally the same as a biological child with the same rights. Before the adoption is finalized, the kid is simply a kid living in the same building. If the parent dies without a will, the kid gets nothing. Also, if the biological parent wants the kid back and the adoption is not finalized, all the biological parent needs to do is pick up the kid. If the adoption is finalized, there must be a court hearing.

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