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A mother and a father both give the child an even number from each, which would be 23 each.

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Q: How many chromosomes does the father give to a baby?
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How many sex chromosomes does your mother give to a normal baby........and father?

The mother and father both give a normal baby 23 chromosomes. This is because, a normal human has 46 chromosomes in all cells, except sex cells. So, a human receives half from the mother and half from the father thus 23 from each.

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It receives 20 chromosomes from each parent (20 from father)

How many of the chromosomes in a fertilized egg are from the father?

23 chromosomes in a human egg are from the father, and 23 are from the mother.

How many chromosomes come from the mother and father?

23 Chromosomes come from a father(sperm cell) and 23 from mother(egg)

How many chromosomes are in a baby's umbilical cord cell?

There are 46 chromosomes in the umbilical cord.

How many cells can daughter cells have as a parent?

23 chromosomes with mother and 23 chromosomes with father pair 46 chromosomes

How many chromosomes do Cow have?

There is no such thing as a "cow egg." Cows don't lay eggs, they give birth to live calves, since they are mammals, not birds. Thus, a baby calf would have the same number of chromosomes as its mother.

How many chromosomes do both your mom and dad give a child?

Exactly half of all chromosomes come from mother. The other half comes from father. This is true for ALL species that sexually reproduce.

How many chromosomes do fathers give you?


How many chromosomes do cats give their offspring?

All of them: half from the father and half from the mother. A domestic cat has 19 chromosome pairs (compared to 23 for humans), and so receives 19 single chromosomes from each parent.

How many chromosomes should a zygote have so the baby's body cell will each have a normal set of chromosomes?


How many chromosomes do the parents have?

A mother have 46 chromosomes and a father have 46 chromosomes when they come together in fertilization these chromosomes splits 23 from the mother (egg) and 23 from the father (sperms) and so forming the new zygote which is the baby with 46 chromosomes