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The human eye can see 7,000,000 colors, although certain colors can be irritating and cause headaches and vision issues. Others can induce calm states and relaxation.

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Q: How many colors can the human eyes see?
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Who was the first person to invent colors?

Colors, as the human eyes see them, do not actually exist as such. What the human eyes perceives is the refraction of light off a surface is actually what we call color. What is red to the human eye is purple to a bee, etc.

Are there any other colours?

There are colors at both ends of the light spectrum that human eyes can not see.

Who was the first person to color?

Colors, as the human eyes see them, do not actually exist as such. What the human eyes perceives is the refraction of light off a surface is actually what we call color. What is red to the human eye is purple to a bee, etc.

What colors can a chimp see?

They can see all the colors we can.

How many colors can a human perceive Example A Nikon D50 - 36bit RGB can see 68719476735 discreet colors?

A human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors.

How were colors invented?

Actually, colors wern't invented. We can identify colors through our eyes. No one invented colors. God gave us eyes so we can live happily with colors that makes joy to our life. --thanks!

What colors do human see at birth?

all colors

How can people see colors?

With your eyes unless you are colorblind. The cone cells enable you to see colors.

Can people see different colors?

no you can not see colors at night because color is the eyes perception of refracted light

Are yorkie poos color blind?

Dogs don't have the same human combination of rods and cones in their eyes, and therefore do not see colors as we do. Their vision is not black and white, exactly, but the colors they see are limited to a few, muted tones.

What makes the human eyes see color?

It's the way the brain interprets different wavelengths of light.

How many colors can humans see?

A normal human eye can differentiate approximately 1037different colour shades because after this range two different colour shades will look same due to its minor colour combination difference.