

How many colors human eye can see?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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The human eye can see the whole light spectrum. However, there are certain colors, which may be perceived differently, by different people. These so called impossible colors require additional cone(s) in the eyes to perceive. (For example, green is blue and yellow, yet most people do not see blue OR yellow, however, some people can see green as a combination of blue and yellow)
Other than the main colors of the visible spectrum, which include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, the human eye can interpret the very subtle differences between every shade of every color.

This means that the human eye can actually see up to ten million "different" colors.

No one can ever know for sure, since there may be colors out there beyond our imagination (it's trippy to think about). There are thousands of colors/shades that are around us...

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14y ago

the human eye can see 16.7 million different colours and shades

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