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Nitrogen is the element located in group 15, period 2. Thus, its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p3. That means that 2 is its valence shell and 1 is its core shell. Therefore, nitrogen has 2 core electrons and 5 valence electrons.

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Q: How many core electron and valence electron does a nitrogen has?
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How many core electrons in nitrogen?

Nitrogen has 2 core electrons and 5 valence electrons. If you remember, nitrogen has an atomic number of 7. When an atom is neutral it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Therfore, the overal number of electrons is 7. The definition of core electrons is, electrons in their most inner shell, On the other hand valence electrons are electrons in the outermostshell. When looking at a periodic table you see that there is a total# of 5 valence electrons. In order to figure out the core number you subtract the total number of electrons(atomic #) - Valence # of electrons. I hope this helped :)

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How Many Valence Electrons A Nitrogen Atom Has?

A nitrogen atom has 5 valence elctrons. To figure that out you have to count across the row that atom is in and stop at it and the number you counted up to is the number of valence electrons. So... 1st Lithium 2nd is Beryllium 3d is Boron then Carbon then 5th is Nitrogen. Your Welcome)