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There are four cups of flour in one pound.

3.6 cups

If One Cup of Flour = 4 ounces, then there are 4 Cups to One Pound of Flour.

If One Cup of Flour = 5 ounces, then there are 3 Cups 1 Ounce to One Pound of Flour.

If One Cup of Flour = 6 ounces, then there are 2-2/3 Cups to One Pound of Flour.

Flour Measurement: Dry Measures, Volume or Weight vs. Accuracy

Weighing flour is the most accurate method of proportioning to a given recipe. It is also the best method to successfully repeat the desired product. However, most recipes list volumetric values, such as cups. It does not mean that the recipe is unmakable, only that one must use extra steps to maintain proportions with reasonable uncertainty (better than guessing). There are guidelines for measuring cups of flour and its use lessens the chance for error. A guideline is listed in the next section.

Other factors affecting volumetric measurements are flour texture, such as grain size and compaction. Sifting flour reduces compaction.

Humidity affects both methods of measurement.

OK - this is where it gets a bit messy; using approximate US to SI conversions:

(Reference: One ounce(U.S. liquid) = 29.57 milliliters; One dry quart(U.S.)= 1.1 liters(SI) = 550.61 ml(SI))

One Pound(U.S. dry) = 16 ounces(U.S. dry)= 454 grams(SI)

One Ounce(U.S. dry) = 28.35 grams(SI)

One Cup(U.S.dry) of Flour ~ 4 to 6 ounces(U.S. dry)or 113.4 to 170.1 grams(SI)


If One Cup of Flour = 4 ounces, then there are 4 Cups to One Pound of Flour.

If One Cup of Flour = 5 ounces, then there are 3 Cups 1 Ounce to One Pound of Flour.

If One Cup of Flour = 6 ounces, then there are 2-2/3 Cups to One Pound of Flour.

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10y ago
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9y ago

Not all dry ingredients are created equal. One pound of all-purpose flour would yield 3.5 cups. One pound of unsifted confectioners sugar would yield 3 3/4 cups, and one pound of granulated sugar would yield 2 cups.

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16y ago

The cup is a measurement of volume, while the pound is a measurement of weight. Therefore, one must know the specific density of the substance in question in order to convert one to the other.

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15y ago

A cup is a measure of volume, and a pound is a measure of weight, so there is no standard answer (you would have to know the density of the dry ingredient to figure out how many cups a pound's-worth of the ingredient takes up volume-wise, i.e a cup of feathers versus a cup of lead - same volume, different weight).

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11y ago

It all depends upon the DENSITY (or one may call it heaviness) of the liquid. Try it yourself with water. You will need a scale. Water weight about 8.33 pound per gallon, so one quart weighs about 2.08 pounds. That means half of a quart (2 cups) weight about 1 pound. Try it with a scale for water, they try milk.

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