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There are usually three or four levels of consumers.

There are primary consumers who eat plants.

Secondary consumers eat the plant eaters.

Tertiary (third level) consumers eat those meat eaters.

Quaternary, or fourth level, consumers eat the third level animals.

The tertiary or quaternary level consumer is usually the 'top predator' at the top of the food chain. Nobody kills and eats the top predator. They die of disease, accidents, old age or fights.

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11y ago

the five type of consumers are herbivore, carnivore, scavenger, decomposer, and an omnivore. to define herbivore is, is that it eats grass plants or producers. To define a carnivore is, is that it only eats meat. To define scavenger is that it eats dead animals. To define decomposer is that it breaks down on dead animals. To define omnivore is that it only eats plants and animals.

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Stephanie Hammond

Lvl 3
3y ago

There are five different types of consumers out there:

B2C (business to consumer) - Consumers that buy from businesses and are purchasing goods or services them for themselves or other people (ex: family and friends). They are typically the end-user of the products.

B2B (Business to Business) - The consumer is a business entity. They are typically sourcing materials for their production process, administrative needs, or building maintenance.

C2C (consumer to consumer)- This is when peers sell to other peers through a platform such as Craigslist or AirBNB.

B2G (business to government) - The government is the consumer. The government uses businesses for software, production material, textiles, licensing procedures and so on.

C2B (consumer to business) - These are individuals who sell products or services to organizations or seek sellers to bid on services. There are some platforms that will allow consumers to post jobs that they need done (ex: handyman work, painting) and set a deadline and budget. Business can then bid on the project based on the requirements of the consumer.

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