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Note : Many email programs allow you to view the size of your emails - this is the best source of your information.

This is of course dependent on the size of the email. From looking at my email inbox I find :

A Typical text-only email averages perhaps 2000 bytes.

The e-mails with attached files ( like bank statements and advertising offers) currently in my inbox run between 43,000 and 31,000,000 bytes.

Junk Mail in my box average about 5000 bytes.

Digital Photos can be quite large - assume they average 1000000 bytes when mailed.

So for my email inbox, assuming 1GB is 1073741824 bytes (that is 2^30) here is my quotas :

1GB=536870 text messages

1GB=1073 photos

1GB=30 large emails

If you are trying to decide if a 1gb email account is big enough, then the answer is probably - if you keep it cleaned out, and if you download any large attachments to your p.c.

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15y ago
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15y ago

it depends on how big the e-mails are. if all of your e-mails are 10 megabytes each it would hold 512. if they were 1 megabyte each it would hold 5120. if they were each 1 kilobyte each it would hold 5,242,880. now, if it were 1 byte to each (which would never happen) it would hold 5,368,709,120. it just depends on the size of the e-mail.

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12y ago

Google gives each gmail account 7679MB (and counting) of storage. The average email is about 60 kB so 7679MB translates to about 131,054 emails.

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