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Q: How many episodes of Wolverine and the X-Men is Nightcrawler going to be in?
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What happened to nightcrawler in the xmen comics?

He died in X-men legacy.

What is the episode where wolverine fights saber-toothed?

in xmen origins wolverine

What power does azazel from xmen have?

Azazel has the power to teleport just like Nightcrawler can, except that Nightcrawler is blue not red. hope this helped.

Who plays wolverine in xmen?

Hugh Jackman.

When will xmen origins wolverine be out on DVD?

It already came out.

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Will there be a X men origins Cyclops?

No, because xmen origin wolverine was bascelly xmen origins cyclops because he was in it and they just mayd wolverine because everyone wondere what happend

Does Xmen Origins Wolverine Have 3 Endings?

No, it only has one

Where can you watch Xmen Origins leak? search wolverine

When does wolverine and the wolverine and the xmen season 2 come out in the us?

I'm sorry, there isn't going to be a season two of Wolverine and the X-Men. Marvel and the other company had a dispute, and Marvel took back the legal rights to the X-Men.

Who plays saber-toothed in Xmen origins Wolverine?

Liev Schreiber.