

How many flights can 1 shuttle make in its lifetime?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The space shuttle was built to be able to fly 100 times each before being retired. The space shuttle with the most flights is Discovery with 36

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Q: How many flights can 1 shuttle make in its lifetime?
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How many flights can 1 space shuttle make in its lifetime?

They planned that each shuttle could make 100 flights.

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There have been a total of 128 space shuttle flights so far.This does not include those flown by Enterprise as these were test flights

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NASA has two more shuttle flights planned: STS 134 and STS 135. There have been 133 shuttle flights so far, including STS-133 which concluded on March 09, 2011.

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As of the end of February 2010, NASA has flown 130 space shuttle flights, two of them ending in catastrophe.

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135, with 133 successes and two failures (Challenger and Columbia)

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According to NASA there have been a total of 119 shuttle missions of which 110 occurred after the Challenger disaster.

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