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10 million but now there is going too be 10001 because of my son

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Q: How many followers of this religion are there today and Where in the world can they be found?
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How many followers are in the Christianity religion?

Christianity is the largest religion today. There are about 2 billion followers worldwide, which is 33% of the world population.

Where is Hinduisms religion?

Hinduism is mainly practiced in India, Nepal and Myanmar. followers of Hinduism can be found today in almost every corner of the world.

In what locations can this religion be found today?

its found all around the world also known as universal

How many religions in the world and which one has major followers?

Christianity has the most followers, it is the largest religion in the world.

Which religion has the most number of followers in the world?


How many chrisitan followers?

Christianity is the largest religion in the world and the total christian followers in the world are approximatly 3 000 000 000 followers

What religion has the most followers in the world after Christianity?

The second-largest religion, worldwide, is Islam.

Does islam have the second largest number of followers in the world?

Yes, Islam religion followers are the second largest number of followers after Christianity.

Which religion is the third largest religion in the world with 98 percent of its followers living in India?


Where are most of the followers of Islam religion today?

They are every where in the world but mostly in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India. Muslims in the Middle East accout for only 15% of Muslim population in the world.

How may followers does the Jewish religion have?

there are about 14 million Jews in the world.

What religion has around one billion followers world wide?
