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Most newer shower heads restrict water flow to around 3.5 gallons a minute max. . .this would equal around 35 gallons for a 10 minute shower

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Q: How many gallons does a 10 min shower take?
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How much water does it take to?

If u shower for 10 mins. its 50 gallons. Every min. is 5 gallons.

Obout how many gallons of h20 are used for a 10min shower?

it depends how long u take in the shower kkk

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How many gallons of water a 10 min bath takes depends entirely on how much water is put in the bathtub.If 80 gallons are wasted in a 20 min bath, im guessing you waste 40 g in a 10 min bath

How many gallons per min does a head put out on average?

with the flow restrictor in place a shower head will put out a maximum of 2.5 gallons per min. a body spray between 1.6 and 2.0 gpm and a rain head between 2.5 and 4.5

How many minutes does it take to put 32 gallons of water in the tub at a rate of 6 25 gallons per minute?

At 6.25 gal/min it will take 5.12 minutes.

How many cups are in a 5 min shower?

that is about 200 cups

How many pints is in a 10 min shower?

That is approximately 200 pints.

How much water does a 10 minute shower use in gallons?

25-30 gallons.Depends on the head. Reg. heads about 2.5 per min. x 10 = 25 gal.

How many cups are used in a 5 min shower?

Approximately 200 cups

How many litter in one cusics?

22,000 gallons per min in one cusics NADEEM

Average cost of a 5 min shower?


How much water is used in an average 7 min shower?

Modern shower heads are mandated to allow 2.5 gallons per minute through them. If it is an older shower head that could be up to 8 or 9 gpm. An easy test is get a five gallon bucket and let the shower run into it for a timed minute. You can measure up the side and see if fills about 1/2 of the bucket or not.