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USA Today reported in 2007 that about 2/3 of children trick or treat each year.

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10y ago

1500 hundred kids (or grown ups) go trick or treating a year.

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11y ago

9 zillion kagillion

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12y ago

Approximately 150 million.

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Q: What percentage of children age of 12 go trick or treating?
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What percentage of children under age 12 go trick-or-treating?

about 85% of people go trick or treating

What is the age limit to go trick or treating in Missouri?


Is it illegal to trick or treat after a certain age?

Under normal circumstances, trick or treating is legal. You are free to go to anyone's house and request a treat. If, however, you take terrible revenge upon those who do not comply with your request, that would be illegal. There are limits to the tricks that the law permits.

What is the average age for kids to stop trick or treating?

Anywhere between 8-15 years of age but it doesn't really matter. If you are having fun and you enjoy eating sweets or teasing your neighbours you can continue trick or treating and dressing up as long as you like.

Is it against the law to go trick and treating in the UK?

You may go Trick or Treating at ANY age in the UK - unlike smoking, drinking, driving etc. there is no existing law to provide an age limit.

What is the age limit to go trick-or-treating in Virginia?

There is no age limit to go Trick or Treating. Some families have rules, some don't. Some kids stop around the age of 13. Some adults go as well. Everyone is different.

Can teenagers go out trick-or-treating?

Well, of course. no matter what age you might be, you can do anything!

Can teenagers go trick or treating?

Well, of course. no matter what age you might be, you can do anything!

Is there an age limit for trick or treating in Antioch Illinois?

Yes, grades 8 and under only.

What age do you have to be to go trick or treating in Mexico or can you be any age?

You could be any age, but if you are past certain age, you would look creepy and not funny.

What age is too old to go trick or treating?

I don't believe any age is too old to go trick or treating. Always being tall for my age, I got told as young as 8 or 9, - "Aren't you a little too old for trick or treat?" I have a friend who is getting married on Halloween. It's the anniversary of her first date with her fiance. We are all going trick or treat after. Happy Halloween!

How can I keep my daughter safe while trick or treating this Halloween?

The number one rule for someone this age is: GO WITH HER! Do NOT let her get separated from you except for when she visits a house! More safety tips can be found at: and several videos are available; one is: and another is: so those should be decent guidelines.