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5,865,754 miles from the sun

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Q: How many miles from the sun neptune?
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Is Neptune 1200 miles from the Sun?

No. Neptune is 2,829,691,160 miles from the Sun. (Which is 4,553,946,490 km or 30.44 AU)

What planet is more than 2 billion miles from sun?

neptune is 2 billion miles from the sun neptune is 2 billion miles from the sun

How many km is neptune?

Planet Neptune is 2.80 billion miles (4.50 billion km) from the sun.

What is the distance of Neptune from sun and how many moons does planet Neptune have?

The planet neptune is about 2795084800 miles or 4498252900 kilometers away from the sun. Neptune has over 13 know moons like Triton and nereid.

What is the average distance form Neptune to the sun in miles?

Neptune is 30.069 miles away from the sun Earth 9 million

How many milies is neptune from the sun?

On average, around 2.8 billion miles.

How many light minutes is Neptune from the sun?

Neptune is 2,798,000,000 miles from the sun. Like other planets in the solar system, Neptune's distance from the sun varies as the planet rotates.

Neptune's Distance from the earth?

Neptune is about 2.7 billion miles from Earth, or 4.3 billion kilometers. Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun.

How far is Neptune from the sun by miles?

2,783 million miles

How far away is the sun fom Neptune?

The average distance of Neptune from the sun is 2,795,084,800 miles or 4,498,252,900 kilometers.

Which planet is 2793 miles from the sun?

No planet is 2793 miles from the sun in our solar system. However, Neptune is 2793000000000 miles from the sun.

What is the size of Neptune in square miles?

Neptune's diameter is about 30775.2724 miles.