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The muscles used to chew are called the "Muscles Of Mastication" as mastication is the technical term for chewing. In practical terms there are only a few muscles used for chewing each and they all receive inervation from the Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. The most external of these muscles is the Masseter, it is used to pull the Mandible (jaw) forward and upwards. It is atached between the corner of the mandible up to the cheek bone. The next one in is the much larger temporalis muscle. It is also used to pull the mandible up but this time backwards instead of forwards. It is atached between almost the whold side of the cranium and a projection at the top from part of the mandible called the Corinoid Process. This next two are kind of working together to swing the jaw from side so side as well as push it forwards. These are the Medial Pterygoid and the Lateral Pterygoid which both lie slightly deeper in the skull and atach from parts that could not be understood without a fairly deep knowlege of anatomy. So in total there are 4 muscle of mastication on each side of the head, thereofre 8 muscles in total. It might also be said by some that another muscle is involved, the Buccinator. This muscle is really a muscle of facial expression and is inervated by the facial nerve. It is involved in mastication too though by aiding the tongue to push food from one side of the mouth to the other. In short there are 8 muscles (4 on each side) used to chew.

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15y ago
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15y ago

There are many many muscles invovled in eating. The muscles of mastication (Temploralis, Masseter, Medial Pterygoid and Lateral Pterygoid, one of each on each side) are used to move the Mandible (jaw bond) to produce the chewing actions. The Buccinator (again one on each side) helps move the food from one side of the mough to the other. The Orbicularis Oris (just the one) is the mucle in the lips and therefore stop food falling out of the mouth. There are many muscles of the tongue alone; Genioglossus, Hyoglossus (x2), Stylogolssus (x2), Palatoglossus (x2), are all extrinsic and have one each side and the; Transverse muscle, Vertical muscle, Superior Longitudonal muscle and Inferior Longitudonal Muscle are the intrinsic tongue muscles. There is also smoothe muscle involved in swallowing but discounting that I get a total of 22.

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13y ago

Well you use the muscles in your arm to use the utensils or grab the food then you use your tingue to taste the food and last you use the esouphagaus to push the food down.

P.S. I am only 11 and I answered this.I am in sixth grade.

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11y ago

you use your stomach muscle?

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14y ago

your mouth

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