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all the muscules in the arms and legs, so more than 10

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Q: How many muscles does it take to jump rope?
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What is jumproping?

I actually do jump rope, it is when you take a jump rope of any sort and jump up and down while you are jumping the rope. This Awesome sport helps your abs, arms, legs and feet.

Why does it take more time to complete a full circlehen swinging a long jump rope than a short jump rope?


How hard do you have to train to jump higher?

to jump hard do excercises that build up your calf mussles because those are the muscles that you use to jump and sprint more than any other muscle. try to take a box jump on it, then jump off and on as fast as you can. another thing you can do is jump rope that really builds up muscle. you have to train on a regular basis to jump higher

How do you take your tamagotchi to preschool?

Preschool (Children ONLY) You can play jump-rope with your teacher and friends by using the A button to jump.

How long can a girl jump rope?

There is no specific limit to how long a girl can jump rope, as it depends on her stamina, fitness level, and technique. Some people can jump rope for several minutes without stopping, while others may need to take breaks more frequently. It's important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed to prevent fatigue or injury.

What does the juvenation expert do?

they take inventions and add on to them like taking a jump rope and adding rockets to it (i had nothing else)

Is jumping rope bad?

Bad? No way!! Jumping rope is arguably one of the best, if not THE BEST exercise you can do. Jumping rope is a great way to lose weight, gain strength, gain endurance and relax the mind. When starting out jumping rope, the best thing you can do is take it slow and RELAX. Relaxing when you jump rope is very important, it will you jump rope longer and become more efficient. Start jumping rope with a goal in mind of three minutes. After three minutes, take a break (I like to immediately do a set of weight lifting) then go back and do another three minutes. You can find more help on jumping rope from your personal trainer or take a look on youtube..

What is the recommended aerobic equipment for light exercise to take inches off your waist?

The Valeo Speed Jump Rope provides a substantial aerobic workout in a short period of time that effectively utilizes your abdominal muscles, thereby taking inches off of your waist area.

How many muscles used in high jump?

Because you are constantly on your toes and making vertical jumps, the calf muscles are used a great deal in jumping. It also uses the quadriceps (front of the thighs), hamstrings (back of thighs) and glutes (buttocks) for power and strength. Adding in different moves where you travel forward, backward or side-to-side as you jump, will also engage the smaller stabilizer muscles in your lower body.

Which jump rope equipment is good for a twelve-year old to use and abuse?

I would recommend the 7' segmented skip rope. This type of rope is used in most gym classes for children from kindergarten to high school and take a while to wear out.

How many muscles does it take to write your name?

25 Muscles

How many muscles does it take to skip?

over 200 muscles