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Crustaceans have two pairs of antenne, which can be found on the first two segments of the head. These antenna are often used as sensory units, but can also be used for things such as swimming.

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Q: How many pair of antennae do crustaceans have?
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What is the purpose of anterior pair of antennae attached on the head of insect?

Insects only have one pair of antennae. Insect's antennae are their primary olfactory sensors. Crustaceans have an anterior pair of antennae. This second set of antennae are used to detect odors.

Are butterflies and wasps crustaceans?

Butterflies and wasps are not crustaceans, they are insects. They have a pair of antennae, 3 body parts and 6 legs unlike crustaceans that have 2 pairs of antennae, varied number of legs and body segments.

They have thick cuticle and two pairs of antennae?

Arthropods, more specifically, crustaceans, have a thick, tough cuticle and two pair of antennae. The cuticle acts as an exoskeleton and two pair of antennae to help them find food and keep them safe.

Which arthropods have four antenna?

The crustaceans are arthropods with biramous (branching) appendages, including a larger and smaller pair of antennae, the smaller ones being referred to as antennules.

What is the difference between crustaceans and chelicerata?

chelicerata have got 5 pairs of legs whereas crustaceans have 6 pairs.chelicerata have 2 pairs of antenae whereas crustaceans doesnt have antenae.chelicerates have uniramous appendages,crustaceans have biramous appendages.

What are the main features of crustacean?

All crustaceans have 10 legs, 2 body segments, and 1 pair of antennae.

How many pairs of antennae does a scorpion have?

On crustaceans there will seem to be two pairs. They are actually biramous (branching) with the smaller pair called antennules. Most other arthropod groups have one pair; some have none (like the arachnids).

How many antennae does a lobster have?

Lobsters, like all crustaceans, have two pairs of antennae.

How many antennas does a crustacean have?

Crustaceans are the only arthropods with two pairs of antennae

How many antennae does a ladybug have?

two antennae which is a pair of antennaes

How do crustaceans look?

Crustaceans have exoskeletons that protect their bodies, and these can be in range of colors, but typically they match the environment in which the organism is found. Crustaceans also have two antennae, two maxillae, biramous legs, which means they bend in two places, and a pair of mandibles, which are like jaws.

The possession of two pairs of antennae is a characteristic of?
