== Several people have made estimates based on mathematical formulas and best guesses. As of midyear 2002, the estimated Number of people ever born was 106.5 Billion. (The current world population at that time was estimated at about 6.2 Billion.) See related link (below) == Estimates are that between 69 billion and 110 billion people have populated the earth since about one million years ago.
Assuming that we start counting from about 55,000 B.C. , the time when modern homo sapiens appeared on the earth (not from 1,700,000 B.C., when the ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago hominids were present), talking into account that all population data are a rough estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to modern times, it has been estimated that a total of 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human race.
Estimates are that between 69 billion and 110 billion people have populated the earth since about one million years ago.
Assuming that we start counting from about 55,000 B.C. , the time when modern home sapiens appeared on the earth (not from 1,700,000 B.C., when the ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago hominids were present), talking into account that all population data are a rough estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to modern times, it has been estimated that a total of 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human race.
ABOUT 99,000,000,000
This question is impossible to answer precisely. The earth is very old and record-keeping is a relatively new concept. However, an estimate is possible. Remember the number of people alive on the planet is minuscule in comparison to the amount alive today. The formula is simple:
People ever born - current population = people ever died.
Using the numbers at Wikipedia's World Population page, the calculation is
106,000,000,000 - 7,000,000,000 = 99,000,000,000
so 99,000,000,000 people should be a reasonable estimate.
A very close estimate is 15 Billion people since Adam and Eve was created 6,035 years ago! Six thousand years of mans existence was up at 1975 C.E.
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I was curious about this question and while many might think the answer is "countless" or depends on whether or not you believe in evolution, it's actually a reasonable thing to calculate as long as you assume some margin of error.
This is not an area of research for me, but for those who do make it their business I've seen estimates ranging from 100 to 110 billion births and this is pretty consistent. You can find this and calculation formulas on the web, what seems to be missing is a simple explanation of why we should believe this number can even be calculated for all time given how much we don't know about how things began.
The important thing to realize is that we have more people living on earth now than ever before and we have reasonably good estimates of the population. Going back in time our population statistics get little by little less precise, but they are reasonably good estimates, with historical support back to say 1,000 AD. Before that, back to say 500 BC there is a healthy mix of historical and archaeological data.
What this shows is that at 1 AD there were about 300,000 people on earth, in 1650 about 1 billion and today over 6 Billion. It is an exponential pattern of growth, meaning if you chart it the graph runs looks like when you pick up a rope from only one end, flat for a while then curving up fast. Curious thing is that this pattern is exactly what scientists observe when an organism is introduced into an environment with unlimited nutrition and limited resistence (predators, disease, etc.) In spite of plagues and tigers, humans since the invention of agriculture have pretty much just populated as if they were following a simple math equation.
The reason it doesn't matter a whole lot whether humanity began with Adam and Eve in 5,000 BC or with a homo sapien introduction 100,000 years earlier is that the population was very low from 5,000 to 1 AD so it had to be lower and lower before that and without agriculture. The potential population in the period we don't know, is vastly outweighed by the population in the period we do know. And what we do know follows a pretty consistent growth pattern for 7,000 years.
So, to recap, humans since the beginning of time: about 110 billion give or take 5 Billion either way.
The estimates of 100 billion or so rely on excessive ancient populations and improbably high birth rates even into the modern age. Starting with the first "modern" humans 100,000 years ago, the total who've ever died is probably rather 60-70 billion. That still means that 90% of the people who've ever lived are dead. A couple of centuries ago that proportion would have been over 98%, which surely indicates progress of sorts.
It is estimated that about 70-85 million people died during World War II, including civilians and military personnel. This makes it one of the deadliest conflicts in human history.
Approximately 56.9 million people died in the world in 2017.
It is estimated that approximately 15-20 million people died during World War I.
Approximately 388,000 English people died during World War 2, including civilians and military personnel.
It is estimated that around 20 million people died in the Siege of Leningrad during World War II.
2 million people have died, and 2.milion people are in the world.
There is no record.
Approximately 100,825,272,791 people have died in all of human history. This means that the dead to living ratio is about 1 to 29. While the world is immensely populated, we are still nowhere near equaling the number of people who have died.
It is estimated that about 70-85 million people died during World War II, including civilians and military personnel. This makes it one of the deadliest conflicts in human history.
Approximately 56.9 million people died in the world in 2017.
23,693,103 people died that year
135 people died on the Mayflower voyaging to the New World
Yes. In history many more people have died than are currently alive.
50 Millionhow many died in world war 2
61 died
21 million people died .